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chen de won the honor of “advanced training base construction unit for college students of shunde district”

chen de company participated in the “college students training base construction” project put forward by shunde government in july-august 2014, and finally stood out from 23 participated units, won the honor of “advanced training base construction unit for college students” awarded by shunde talent center, and obtained 100,000 cash award given by the government. guangdong meizhi compressor co., ltd. also won the honor.   

chen de plastics machinery co., ltd., and guangdong meizhi compressor co., ltd., both belong to two powerful machine manufacturing leading enterprises of shunde district. on the award ceremony organized by shunde talent center, two enterprises shared the working highlight and little things during establishment of advanced college students training base with the representatives present at the meeting through the excellent speech and detailed introduction, and also provided a good opportunity for shunde talent center to comprehensively understand the talent training of chen de company, especially the training mode of college students.  

chen de company established the college students training base project in 2014, and selected a total of 21 internships to participate in the project, who were from different provinces like henan, jiangsu, jiangxi, etc., including undergraduate and postgraduate students from key universities like south china university of technology, wuhan university of technology, etc. the human resources department had thoroughly communicated with these college students for many times and known their major and course contents in detail as well as their demands like internship position and objective, etc., prior to their internship in chen de. at the same time, it communicated with various department directors of internship position and established comprehensive and individualized internship scheme for each internship, and effectively ensured the internship pertinency and efficiency of college students. in order to show the high attention of district government and leaders and the leaders of chen de company to the college students training base construction project, the human resources department organized the  launching ceremony for college students training base project of chen de company, and invited the district leaders and  company’s senior leaders to participate. on the ceremony, the leaders of different levels expressed their expectations of “learning from internship” for the internship college students. during the internship, the various departments selected key management personnel and staff to lead the internships to deeply know the internship position and give professional explanation and demonstration. in addition, the training department specially set quality promotion training courses for the college students, like communication, teamwork, swot analysis, etc., and was generally recognized by the college students. at the same time, arranged many activities, like shunde one-day tour, shunde cate journey, basketball game, singing activity, etc., which strengthened the college students’ understanding and love for shunde, and made them totally relax from body to mind, in addition to internship. on the internship project completion ceremony, the internships expressed their love to shunde and they were unwilling to leave chen de company and the staff. 

chen de company showed its strength in talent training to shunde government, all sectors of society, as well as the internship college students through participating in shunde college students training base construction project, and continuously complete its talent training system in future work!

