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2014 annual work summary meeting and 2015 spring festival reunion dinner of chen de company

  with the arrival of the year of the goat, people are bursting with happiness to welcome the spring festival. at the beginning of a new year, chen de company was ushered in a year full of new opportunities, challenges and hope. on february 12, 2014 annual work summary meeting and 2015 spring festival reunion dinner of chen de company were grandly held in daliang new world hotel.

  the summary meeting was held on time at 16 p.m., jiang zhijian, the general manager, chen yuxi, the financial director, han dongqing, the vice director of production department, zhang xianbao, the vice director of technical center, shi changcheng, the manager of vip client department, as well as zhou bisong, the vice manager of quality control department participated in the meeting. the first agenda of the meeting was jiang zhijian giving a comprehensive summary report for work of 2014 and putting forward strategic direction for the company’s production and operation of 2015. the second agenda of the meeting was giving commendation to the excellent and advanced administrators and the staff to show the company’s affirmation and encouragement for the hard work of the staff last year. a total of 60 staff and 9 advanced quality teams were awarded, including 1 excellent administrator, 9 excellent staff, 49 advanced staff and 1 continuous proposal improvement champion. jiang zhijian awarded and took photos with the commended personnel, and he and various senior leaders awarded the trophy and certificate of honor for 39 staff who won the 5th anniversary service contribution award and 15 staff who won the 10th anniversary service contribution award to show the company’s appreciation for their payment and contribution over the years. 

  the warm and happy reunion dinner began after the summary meeting. dr. jiang zhen (chairman of the board of the chen hsong group) couple, mr. jiang zhijian, the production president of the chen hsong group and the general manager of chen de company, two former chairmen of chen de company, as well as other senior leaders of the company and the guests from banks of all sectors, and the whole staff participated in the dinner together. after dr. jiang zhijian awarded the 20 staff who won the 20th anniversary service contribution award, he and the guests came to the stage to give a toast to all staff, and the staff raised their wine glasses to wish a better new year. in the dinner, the staff from various departments of chen de company brought excellent musical and dance performances, wherein, the national customs show of various countries-“impress the world” jointly performed by departments like vip client support department, technical center, overseas department, etc., implied that the chen hsong group and chen de company were famous overseas. 16 lottery activities were alternated in the dinner which set off an upsurge, and finally the big cash award was won by one staff from the honggang assembly department.

  the dinner was ended in a warm atmosphere, but the melodious music was still ringing in the ear, wonderful clips were still lingering in mind. though the reunion time is short, but the friendship will last forever. in this new year’s day, we are delighted for the achievements obtained through hard work, and we are confident about our future, because we will create a brand new history. we will face all difficulties and create new way for success, and we wish chen de company achieve more in the future!
