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annual review meeting 2015 & reunion dinner party 2016 of chen de plastics machinery co., ltd.

at the beginning of the new year, chen de plastics machinery co., ltd. welcomed a year full of opportunity, challenge and hope. on 21 january, annual review meeting 2015 & reunion dinner party 2016 of chen de plastics machinery co., ltd., were held in daliang new world hotel ceremoniously. 
       the review meeting started on time at 17:00 o'clock. mr.chi kin chiang (general manager), ms.chen yuxi (chief financial officer), mr.han dongqing (deputy director of production department), mr.zhang xianbao (deputy director of technique center), mr.shi changcheng (manager of vip client department) and mr.zhou bisong (deputy manager of quality control department) presented the meeting. as the first agenda of the meeting, mr.chi kin chiang gave a comprehensive summary report for the passing year, and put forward the strategic direction of production and operation of the company in 2016--repair-free for 18 months. the second agenda was to award the outstanding and advanced management personnel and employees to express the company’s affirmation and encouragement for their hard work over the past year. a total of 61 employees and 8 quality advanced teams/groups were awarded, including 2 outstanding management personnel, 4 advanced management personnel and 10 outstanding employees, 44 advanced employees and 1 champion for continuous improvement proposals. mr.chi kin chiang awarded the commended personnel and took photos with them successively. after that, mr.chi kin chiang and other senior leaders granted the trophy and certificate of honor for 56 employees who won the fifth anniversary service contribution award and 12 employees who won the tenth anniversary service contribution award to express thanks for their years’ contribution.
       at 7 p.m., the reunion dinner party started under happy and warm atmosphere  after the review meeting. ms. lai yuen chiang (chief executive officer of chen hsong holdings limited), mr.chi kin chiang (production president & general manager of chen hsong holdings limited), two former chairmen of chen de plastics machinery co., ltd., other senior leaders of the company, as well as guests from the banks and society joined the party with all employees. after mr.chi kin chiang awarded 7 employees who won the 20th anniversary service contribution award, ms. lai yuen chiang and the guests came to the stage and made a toast, and all employees raised their wine glasses to wish a smooth and prosperous new year. the employees from various departments of chen de prepared wonderful singing & dancing shows in the party, of which the chen de elegant demeanor show jointly performed by production department, technical center, fnance department and other departments showed chen de’s development and innovative achievements in technology over the past year. in addition, 14 lucky draws were interspersed in the dinner party and set off the waves of climax. 
       the dinner party was ended in a happy atmosphere. let’s farewell to the old and welcome the new year. all previous achievements have become the past, and we still have a long way to go. let’s create a more promising chapter in 2016 through our brisk vitality and fearless courage as well as exploration and innovation.

