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go! king of the hill!

proudly presenting chen hsong’s superb results at chinaplas 2017

chinaplas 2017, which lasted 4 days, just had its perfect closing last friday! needless to say, as your editor, i hereby bring you first-hand news of chen hsong’s bright results during this fabulous fair. we scored beautifully, definitely top of the class!

since earlier on, we have already been stressing this: chen hsong injection molding machines are not just about superior performance and quality. these other advantages are significant as well:
•employing practical innovations (i.e. brand-new ways of doing regular tasks) to help you de-bottleneck and raise productivity;
•full data connectivity, storage and retrieval options via the unique ichen® system gives you true “management-by-data” — you are literally one touch away from complete knowledge of your production line;
•brand-new product lines with brand-new application technologies for many industries (e.g. automotive, packaging, high-end electronics etc.) allow you to become f-s-p:  “fast, stable and precise” — “say no” to mediocracy!

that’s why all machines on display during the fair were sold out before the end of the show — no accident, but exactly as expected!

hard work bearing fruit

when chen hsong injection molding machines showed their true colors, they became one of the most talked-about highlights of this chinaplas. as a result, not only were all displayed machines sold-out, visitors bought 500 more during the four days of the fair. this kind of results really sets chen hsong apart from its peers:
•the mk6 and speed series of high-speed machines naturally became the hottest sellers;
•the ever-popular classic, em-svp/3 , and the brand-new, 2nd-gen, sm two-platen series redefine high-tech for the masses;
•the first all-electric offering from chen hsong — the sm-ej series — points to chen hsong’s future direction of relentless technological innovation.


chen hsong’s participation at the 4-day fair was far from just a simple science and technology demonstration — it showcased the results of over half a century of perfecting injection moulding technology. each new product line, each new technology, and each new enhancement, is rooted in both experience and innovation. after nearly 60 years of ups and downs, chen hsong has grown from a rookie in the injection moulding industry to world-class status. most critical is the trust and support from global partners and customers, olkd and new. this success at the show once again reaffirmed chen hsong’s leading position in the industry, and will be a strong driving force forward.

“customers come first” — that is one of chen hsong’s core corporate values. it is way more than just a slogan for us.

the grand finale – “open day” at chende

everyone should still be fresh of the grand “30th anniversary open day” celebration held in november 2016 at chende, subsidiary of the chen hsong group. visitors to this phenomenal event enjoyed lectures, seminars and real-life demonstrations of high-end injection moulding technologies, advanced automation, and data networking. the warm and chic “thank you dinner” that night gave everyone a taste of the new “chen hsong experience.” during the last day of chinaplas 2017, chen hsong gave the “surprise of all surprises” by holding another open day at chende! visitors this time were treated to a different kind of technological elegance and grace:

we did it all for you — the new em-pet series

f-s-p (fast, stable and precise) is not the exclusive territory of high-end product lines such as the speed series — chende demo’ed the em-pet series dedicated to the production of high-quality pet preforms for the food and beverage packaging as well as the cosmetics industries. an em320-pet produced 48-cavity, 21g water preforms with 17-second cycle time, and 4-cavity, 280g bottled water preforms with 48-second cycle time.

“small preforms, great know-how” summarizes the em-pet series of machines. they do not pursue “raw speed” in the production of pet preforms because such is meaningless. “fast and high quality” is the key to success. the em-pet series’s winning point is that each preform is of the highest quality, highest transparency, with zero defects. each cycle produces “real products,” earning “real value” every second!

king of high-gloss, high-texture products — the em-svp/3 series

the svp/3 series will forever be remembered by the wide range of possibilities it opens up. its secret as chen hsong’s best-selling product line for many years is simple: “wide applicability.” one minute, we just saw two “standard” em-svp/3 injection moulding machines in chinaplas 2017, guangzhou, producing two-color over-moulding products with the help of a robot. the next minute, another em-svp/3 at chende transformed into a moulder’s “secret weapon” — producing 2-cavity, high-precision, high-quality pmma led lamp covers, with 150-second cycle time.

for the large stuff — the jm-c3-svp/2

the jm-c3-svp/2 toggle large-tonnage machines can be considered a classic all by itself, its ever-lasting popularity and unparalleled flexibility already legendary throughout the industry. at chende, one of these was making large lcd tv outer rims, with a 50-second cycle time.

salute to europe — the euroseries

on display at chende were also the latest renditions of the euroseries (european-standard) and eurobase (simplified) product lines developed specifically for the european market.

go! we are pioneers! we are the king!

although chinaplas 2017 has come to an end, the road ahead of chen hsong is still long and bright. as a pioneer in the world of injection molding, we keep going forward. there is nothing else.

as scientific developments accelerate and evolve at breakneck paces, and as technological innovations happen by the day, it is no longer adequate to “move” forward. “speed” is no longer demanded just as an attribute for our machines, it is demanded of us. we need to start “running”.

run with us! we are waiting for you at the forefront of the industry!

although chinaplas 2017 has come to an end, the road ahead of chen hsong is still long and bright. as a pioneer in the world of injection molding, we keep going forward. there is nothing else.

as scientific developments accelerate and evolve at breakneck paces, and as technological innovations happen by the day, it is no longer adequate to “move” forward. “speed” is no longer demanded just as an attribute for our machines, it is demanded of us. we need to start “running”.

run with us! we are waiting for you at the forefront of the industry!
