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in 60 years — our dreams became the future

chen hsong group is going to celebrate our 60th anniversary in 2018

in 2018, chen hsong group is about to welcome our 60th anniversary. in order to thank all our clients and partners for their loyal support throughout the years, we are going to have a grand “chen hsong’s glorious 60th anniversary” celebration, which will be held separately at several production sites. on 30th november, 2017, chen hsong group had our first “open day celebration ceremony” in our subsidiary “chende plastic machinery co., ltd.” clients from east, central and north china were invited. after careful preparations, our event was a success with our clients showing much appreciation!

knowing fengcheng’s charm — enjoy the quietness

shunde, often being praised as a place filled with outstanding people, is also known as fengcheng – the city of phoenix. it is not only one of the "four little tigers in guangdong", but is also considered as the "world’s capital of food."

in order to let our guests to have a taste of fengcheng, we began our journey with paying a visit to the “qinghui garden.” this ancient garden with spectacular architecture was built during the ming dynasty. after a long period of time, this classical beauty has the magic of widening people’s horizon and the beauty of it would linger on their mind ever since.

after our “qinghui garden” tour, we have then visited the shunde museum; to be fascinated by the city’s long development history. human’s desire for progress, meaning a promotion on social development. it’s not unlike our team’s perseverance in our strong belief that has led to prosperous development. the development history of chen hsong’s glorious 60 years also is the history of our every honorable struggle of pride that is worthy of receiving assurances from the rest of the world!

injection molding technology seminar — experiences every heartbeat

the injection molding technology seminars in the afternoon has brought the first climax of our open day! chen hsong has invited mr. mizuno mizuho, director of ube mitsubishi corporation, to give technical seminar on the topic “lightweight development trends of vehicles.” he shared his experiences on technical requirements of more lightweight and rigid auto parts, driven by the development trend of new energy vehicles. he also pointed out the opportunities and challenges brought by the latest injection molding technology development. the continuous maturation of new injection molding technologies, such as long glass fiber and foaming molding, has brought new research topics to the traditional injection molding industry, as well as the thinking on how to adapt to the new market demand under traditional production mode. in addition, chen hsong group’s sales director and r & d manager also shared with guests the technical advantages of chen hsong group’s top selling models. they uncovered the cost-effective secret from a purely technical point of view, on why chen hsong’s injection molding machines being a winner in market competition.


chende’s workshop is to strive for perfection in production — share our secret

factories are always the top secret of manufacturers’ "holy land." chen hsong, however, would never hesitate to share with clients our stories behind the scene. thus we have invited our guests to visit chende’s fengxiang factory. from large machining centers, fuel tanks/oil production lines, automated three-dimensional warehouse, assembly lines, small and medium sized machine assembly plant; we have shown everyone the flow of parts from the logistics processing to the entire assembly process. excellent quality comes from the perfect control of each and every process, chen hsong sincerely shows the world our secrets behind achieving high-quality products: we never ignore any single detail, we never give up on any one of our pursuit and hence, we can have excellent results!

advanced injection molding machine and excellent showcase program — a performance of strength

the strength of an enterprise depends highly on the expressiveness of its core product! the top selling products of our two major production bases in shunde and shenzhen in chen hsong group were unveiled this time. they are the mk6 series, new high-speed machine, new two-plate machine, efficient embryo machine, and the classic small and medium sized three injection molding machine. their actual use of program on food, packaging, household appliances, auto parts, electrical and electronic industries such as the practical application of the program were all displayed. chen hsong’s ichen system® has shown the real “industry 4.0;” a solution derived from a fully automatic production concept. 

facing market’s rapidly changing demand, it requires both high quality equipment and incomparable flexibility to meet different clients’ needs. chen hsong group’s injection molding machine, with standard design, special features, supporting peripherals, can maximize the expectations of our clients. in particular, the new chen hsong’s new two-board machine and our mk6 series injection molding machines are being widely used in medical, automotive, consumer goods, cosmetic and other industries. with their high-end performances, we continue to expand our brand leadership in the market. 

chen hsong’s glorious 60th anniversary dinner – a warm and cozy gathering

as the night fell, chen hsong group prepared a thank-you dinner at the shunde new world hotel. the dinner had entertained a total of 28 tables of guests. we have invited prestigious host as our master of ceremonies. chen hsong group’s top leaders, technical consultants and strategic decision-makers were all presented. ms. chiang lai yuen, chief executive officer of the group, mr. chiang chi kin, president of group production and general manager of chende, mr. sato minami, group technical consultant and former president of mitsubishi heavy industries, all addressed in separate speeches. ms. chiang together with mr. chiang, have shared the remarkable achievements made by chen hsong group with the continuous efforts from all our team members. and on behalf of the group, they thanked all our clients and partners who have given chen hsong strong support and great trust all along.ms. chiang has made a solemn commitment: “we will continue to provide our global clients with three quality services: high-quality pre-market service, quality products, and excellent after-sales service.” mr. sato, our technical consultant, has affirmed chen hsong’s achievement in the development of positive progress- we are now having more scientific management system, improved quality, and we have long-term positive cooperative relationship with mitsubishi heavy industries (now renamed as ube-mitsubishi), have achieved a win-win result. after the speech, the banquet began happily with foshan art troupe’s “bloom”. our guests then enjoyed the food with wonderful performances. the climax of the dinner was a sand painting show; through sand painting, the performer’s reviewed every honorable moment, and all achievement of chen hsong in 60 years’ development. also, each and every storm and test we have encountered. all members from the chen hsong’s family were deeply moved by the scenes with joy and tears. all our partners who have grown with us and experienced the memorable past had strong resonance. this is the power of dreams. an experience to draw people bearing the same goal much closer, we are one big family who is willing to work together in fulfilling our dreams!

in 60 years, our dreams became the future

now that the celebration is over, but our dream keeps growing! chen hsong group is moving forward with the same dream! the dream of “an industrial rich country” has given new meaning to the changing times due to the development in science and technology. the development of china’s manufacturing industry has entered a new journey in a new era. "made in china 2025" is a new inevitable development responsibility for every enterprise.

the dream of the world is the dream of chen hsong! because of dreams, we dare to fight hard, and we are staying! as we see the future with our perseverance; our dreams will soon become the "future”!
